Traits of Perception
As a ceramicist, my practice aims to communicate and show awareness about the autistic condition through exploring common traits and behaviours such as difficulty expressing emotion, struggling managing changes and a strong sense of not fitting within self or society. These issues are expressed through ideas of fragmentation, fracturing and dilemmas associated with touch and handling.
The head form and facial features are explored as a vehicle for expression as this is the part of the body that tells us the most about an individual’s mood, personality, and state of mind. The use and application of colour, pattern and surface treatment reinforces these ideas. Everyone might recognise some of these behaviours so although coming from an autistic perspective my work can also speak more broadly to everyone or even trigger recognition in those not yet diagnosed.
I aim to challenge perceptions, leading towards a better understanding of the autistic condition visually, physically, and emotionally through engagement with my work.
Ceramic Collection dipicting traits of autism
Wall Hanging Heads

Title: Liberating Suppression
Media: Black clay and Ivory Stoneware Clay
Dimensions: Each Large half head: H23.5cm W11cm D8.5cm. Each Medium half head: H21cm W8cm D8cm. Small head: H17cm W13.5cm D5.5cm (Mounting stencil inclued)
Amount: 5 piece set.
Photographer: Mario Popham
The face is the part of the body that tells us the most about an individual’s mood, personality, and state of mind.
With some autistic people, this can sometimes be difficult to express or understand, which is why the facial features are simplified creating a un-expressional face, to subtly express the common trait of the emotional barrier. With this piece the heads are liberating trapped emotions and thoughts, while other feelings are still suppressed.

Title: Sensory
Media: Ivory Stoneware Clay
Dimensions of head size: H24cm W22cm D9cm.
Photographer: Mario Popham
Amount: 1 piece
Many people on the autistic spectrum have difficulty processing everyday sensory information. Each hand represents one of the five senses of Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste and Touch. Too much of these sensory input can coarse: stress, anxiety, and possibly physical pain. This can result in challenging behaviour, withdrawal or meltdowns to those effected.

Title: Fitting In
Media: Ivory Stoneware Clay
Dimensions of head size: H20.6cm W15.3cm D8cm. (Hanging jigsaw pieces can be adjusted)
Amount: 1 piece with 5 hanging ceramic jigsaws
Photographer: Mario Popham
Some autistic people experience isolation of having to change or be force to fit in or act to different audiences, societies and situations, without being able to be themselves. Because they are either misunderstood or discriminated.

Title: Confusion
Media: Smooth Black Clay
Dimensions: H20.6cm W15.3cm D8cm.
Amount: 1 piece
Daily conundrums can start off small and build to become mass confusion.

Title: Ups and Downs
Media: Ivory Stoneware clay
DImensions of each head: H24cm W10.5cm D9cm
.Amount: 2 piece set.
When handling every day experiences and situations an autistic person’s emotions are either up or down, from highly excited to border depressive.

Title: Data Congestion
Media: Ivory Stoneware clay
Dimensions: Each piece is H20.6cm W15.3cm D8cm. (As a 2 set display H 24cm W15.3cm).
.Amount: 2 piece set.
Due to the processing delay when an autistic person tries to digest too much information, it takes longer to process and can cause them to have information overload, which can lead to confusion in the brain and possible metal shutdown.

Title: Sensory Overload
Media: Black clay
Dimensions: H20.6cm W15.3cm D8cm
.Amount: 1 piece.
Many people on the autistic spectrum have difficulty processing everyday sensory information. These senses include: Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste and Touch. Too much of these sensory input can coarse: stress, anxiety, and possibly physical pain. This can result in challenging behaviour, withdrawal or meltdowns to those effected.
Standing Heads

Title: Chaos
Media: Smooth Black Clay
Dimensions: H20.6cm W15.3cm D8cm.
Amount: 2 piece
Daily conundrums can start off small and build to become mass confusion. Inside the vessel shows abstract illustrations of lifes conundrums autistic people go through, within a chaotic explosion of colours translating the overload of mixed emotions.
(This Ceramic head can be used as a decorative piece or a vase).

Title: Highs & Lows of Missing Pieces
Media: Ivory Stoneware clay
Dimensions: H16.5cm W24cm D18cm
Amount: 1 piece
The use of Jig saw pieces translates how autistic people have to be nurtured or teach themselves body language, eye contact and social interaction, which comes naturally to an average person. The facial distortion and explosion of colours inside represents the inner feelings of autistic person.

Title: Resistance of Change
Media: Black clay
Dimensions: H30.65cm W30 D16cm
Amount: 2 separate pieces
Autistic people need a routine to enable them to manage their condition, once a sudden change or overload of changes interrupts there system it takes away their control, causing the Autistic person to become frustrated ending in possible breakdown.

Title: Missing Pieces
Media: Ivory Stoneware clay
Dimensions: H16.5cm W8cm D8cm
.Amount: 1 piece.
An autistic person has to teach themselves body language and social skills, which usually comes naturally to the general public, causing them to feel made up of missing pieces.